All too often I hear people tell me that you simply cannot plant after Memorial Day. Once the calendar hits June 1st, all planting must stop until the fall. This may have been true once but not anymore.
In the past, many trees and shrubs were only available bare root, a condition when the plants were literally sold with no soil or pot to contain them. Bare root plants came packed in moist peat moss or saw dust and needed to be planted before the leaves developed. Even when stored in cold storage, most bare root plants needed to find a permanent home before Memorial Day. This is probably where the advice to plant prior to Memorial Day came from.
Today, most items are sold either potted or balled and burlapped which means we can plant and improve the appearance of our homes and landscapes from April to frost. So what is my advice to you now that June is busting out all over? Relax, plant, and enjoy your home and garden all summer long.