While the environmental impact of tree planting has been well-publicized to Americans, we can't forget how it can personally help a home-owner as well. A tree's natural beauty alone cultivates a neighborhood's atmosphere and creates a peaceful environment. It also provides delicate privacy without the sense of a deliberate barricade. But having a tree in your yard goes beyond being beautiful by also being economically profitable.
The shade and transpiration of a tree provides natural air cooling, while its expansive size provides a wind-break in the winter. With proper placement it can reduce a property's utility bills by as much as 30%. Also, considering the increased real estate value presented in your home, investing in a tree is a positive and powerful impact in several ways.
There is not better time than now to stop in our Design Center with our current sale:
50% off select Maple, Redbud, Honeylocust, Oak, Spruce, Magnolia, Crabapple, and Fruit Trees!!
40% off select Arbovitae, Juniper, and Serviceberry Trees!!
Feel free to contact us with any questions, and we look forward to seeing you soon!